Below are pictures of the true (and awful) sights and sounds of life near solar farms and wind turbines.

From the loss of enjoyment of property to health issues associated with these projects to farmers who signed leases and now deeply regret it.  We share these pictures and information to remind everyone reading this how destructive this “green” energy movement is and how devastating the consequences are for inaction and for trusting an industry that is being so heavily incentivized by money.

There are many common themes in a lot of the testimonials shared, which are easy to see.  They include deception, blatant lies, lack of transparency and accountability, and complete disregard for damages the aforementioned caused.

These people have a right to be angry and we have a responsibility to not support any industry that behaves so callously in the name of greed.

If you have a wind or solar farm experience that you’d like to share pictures/video of, we would love to share them as a warning to every rural community out there fighting to preserve our health, happiness, and farmland and pastures.


****   SOLAR FARMS   ****

solar farm

Here is a video that an Indiana farmer and property owner living and farming next to a solar farm took that shows the solar farm employees pumping water out of a pump truck uphill from his field, causing water and silt to flood his crops.  This was after another solar farm near his house contaminated his aquifer and well water.


“…as currently designed and implemented, these systems cannot comply with applicable Standards, and are unsafe for human and animal health”


Soil under solar panels after seven years

“The main results showed that seven years of soil coverage modified soil fertility with the significant reduction of water holding capacity and soil temperature, while electrical conductivity (EC) and pH increased. Additionally, under the panels soil organic matter was dramatically reduced (−61% and − 50% for TOC and TN, respectively compared to GAP area) inducing a parallel decrease of microbial activity assessed either as respiration or enzymatic activities.”


Solar Farm Fire

“On Monday, September 30, 2024, crews from Fire District 3 and ODF Southwest Oregon District responded to a grassfire at 1035 Hwy 234 in Eagle Point, Oregon at 1:52pm. This address is near the intersection of Old Hwy 234 and Agate Road. Upon arrival, firefighters engaged in an aggressive attack and quickly knocked the grassfire down at an estimated 3 acres in size. This location is the same site as a grassfire that occurred on the afternoon of July 31, 2024, which was roughly 7 acres in size. The property is currently used as a solar panel farm, with 33,000 panels installed.” ***SEE PREVIOUS FIRE BELOW


Solar Fire



Solar Farm Fire

8-acre fire grass fire breaks out at solar farm in Ben Wheeler. The fire reportedly spread to neighboring property.


Solar farm fire emits toxic smoke.

“Crews said that a majority of the more than 17,000 solar panels and 38 acres at the farm were on fire.”


Solar Fire


The sights and sounds of a solar farm built by Ranger Power in Michigan. From a local Township Supervisor: “If you can stop it, you should do it.”


solar farm nightmare

A farmer thought he had the perfect plan when he signed his land up to be a solar farm. That plan turned into a costly nightmare. Read about it here.


View before construction of the solar farm and view during construction.


A former beautiful view of a pasture with a pond is now the view of a 520-acre solar farm in TX.


“Solar people told us several times the panels didn’t create a glare. Can someone please explain this picture?”


View before and after of a solar farm in MD.  And below is the sound from the front porch of the solar panel posts being driven into the ground.




The sound of a solar farm being constructed in TX.  “This starts every morning around 6:30 a.m. Along with multiple 18-wheelers heading down the road and 60-80 worker vehicles!!!!”


Glare from a solar farm that is 200 feet from the property line in IN.


This solar panel glare makes sitting out by their pool unbearable.


One of many testimonies about how a landowner leasing their land to a solar developer negatively affected their neighbor’s property value and enjoyment of their land.


Dirt work being done on a soon-to-be solar farm in IN.



Excessive dust is a common complaint among those that live near a solar farm during the long construction period.


This is the sound of the inverters heard inside a landowner’s home who lives across the road from a 28-acre solar farm in MA built in 2018.  Here are her words about this constant noise:  “Years later, we still continue to battle Big Solar over the horrific constant year-round humming sound of their noisy inverters which make life in our home and our rural community miserable. In fact, my mother is now battling tinnitus as a result…over something that could be a cheap fix by Big Solar. They refuse to do anything about it and our town office’s hands are seemingly tied.


Dana Van Steenburgh hears the annoying sound of the inverters from the solar farm across the road 18 months after the solar farm went into operation, despite numerous neighbor and local official complaints to the developer. (Story from CTMirror)


Sounds of the inverters from the 30-acre (14,700 solar panels) solar farm at the ‘Columbia City Solar Park’ in Columbia City, IN.


Click on the above picture to watch and hear video of 46-decibel inverters and 87-decibel transformers from a solar farm.


The sounds of a solar farm.


Click on this picture to be taken to the Facebook post video of the sound of the inverters.

A fire at a solar farm.  Solar farm fires can’t be fought like traditional fires due to live electricity flowing through the grid.  Instead, firefighters have to wait for someone to arrive to shut off the power before they can proceed.  And who would want to be in the line of that black smoke?


****   WIND FARMS   ****


Carrie March and Nakila Blessing are victims of Ameren’s High Prairie Wind Farm in Northeast Missouri.
They, their families, and their community have all suffered immeasurably in the name of “green energy”.
Read their testimonials and why they refused a sizable amount of money to be silenced by the wind farm
developer, Terra-Gen, LLC or Ameren, here.


‘In Your Own Words’ is a GateHouse Media investigation of 450 families who have publicly complained about the impacts of living near wind farms.


Without any setback requirements of any kind, wind turbine developers can and as seen below, WILL place wind turbines right on the property line, without any regard to safety or the possible health impacts of nearby houses or residents.


Matt Tulis, a spokesperson for E.ON Climate & Renewables told residents at an informational meeting in MO that the wind turbines would be about the loudness of a refrigerator’s buzz. That’s a common comparison used in the industry, but seldom true, because if people really knew how loud wind turbines were, they’d never want them.  (click on the box to watch a video of a wind turbine rotating taken from a wind farm in another state to show how loud they actually are)


Wind turbine noise compared to refrigerator

Green energy developers claim turbines are as quiet as a refrigerator. They are absolutely not.


From turbines catching fire, blades flying off or disintegrating, and oil being sprayed all over the ground and nearby objects, here are some ugly truths and secrets about the wind industry and some of the big names in it. (Pictures above and below)


When wind turbine blades disintegrate or fall off of the up to 600 ft. turbines, pieces of fiberglass can be scattered all over a very large radius, contaminating the soil, crops, grazing pasture or hay field, and any nearby water source below.


This is a compilation of wind turbine “accidents” worldwide put together by WindAction, a non-governmental group dedicated to providing information on industrial wind energy, and other forms of large-scale renewable energy facilities in order that citizens, property owners, communities, and government officials can make informed decisions.


Why isn’t our government keeping track of accidents that occur with these huge wind turbines going up all over our country, including on prime farmland and near residences?


****   LEASEE REGRETS   ****


A former wind farm developer dispels the lies wind turbine development companies use to acquire land leases for wind turbines. (click on the picture to read the full article)


After learning the hard way the true cost of signing a wind turbine lease, some landowners regret their decision.  (click on the picture to read the full story)


A farmer in IA dodged a bullet by not signing up his farm for wind turbines, but other farmers did and he says 90% of them regret it.  He shares the details as a cautionary tale. (click on the picture to read the full story) 


Gary Steinich shares an open letter to fellow WI farmers about signing their land up in wind turbines.  Also featured is the “What have I done?” open letter from a successful farmer who signed up his land for the BlueSky/Greenfield wind turbine project in N.E. Fond du Lac County in Wisconsin.  (click on the picture to read both open letters.)




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